Welcome to the DISTILLATE research programme
DISTILLATE - Design and Implementation Support Tools for Integrated Local LAnd
use, Transport and the Environment - is aimed at overcoming the barriers to
the effective development and delivery of sustainable urban transport and land
use strategies
Vision: A step change in the development and delivery of sustainable transport
and land use strategies
Principal objective: To develop ways of overcoming the barriers to effective
development and delivery of sustainable transport and land use strategies
Given the current context and future challenges, DISTILLATE wants to contribute
to improvements over 20 years, while being relevant to today's needs
Latest News
09/06/09 - DISTILLATE publications list updated on this site ..more
29/04/09 - DISTILLATE posters win a prize ..more
DISTILLATE workshop at the PTRC Transport Practitioners Meeting on 15th July 2008 ..more
DISTILLATE European Dissemination Workshop held at EESC, Brussels ..more
DISTILLATE UK Dissemination Workshop held at Department for Transport, London...more
A3 questionnaire survey now available on the Project A page...more
Workshop on Appraisal (Project G) held in Leeds...more
DISTILLATE TRB paper wins prestigious award. ..more
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