News29/04/09 DISTILLATE Posters win prize Matthew Page of the DISTILLATE team won the prize for the most interesting display of thought provoking research at the TRL Academy Symposium on 29th April. The poster display was about the DISTILLATE research programme and the prize was £500 worth of books to be chosen by the prize winner. 15/07/08 DISTILLATE Half Day Workshop held at the Sixth Transport Practitioners Meeting at the University of Reading More details from the PTRC website here. 27/02/08 DISTILLATE European Dissemination Workshop held at EESC Brussels Presentations available here. 22/01/08 DISTILLATE UK Dissemination Workshop held at Department for Transport Presentations and feedback form available here. 20/08/07 The A3 Questionnaire Survey is now available Just go to the Project A page to download it in PDF format...more info 21/05/07 Workshop on Appraisal (Project G) Enhanced Analytical Tools held A Workshop on Appraisal (Project G) was held on 21st May 2007...more info 19/10/06 Workshop on Funding (Project E) held A Workshop on Funding (Project E) was held on 19th October 2006...more info 13/10/06 DISTILLATE TRB paper wins prestigious award. An article written by Dr Greg Marsden (ITS) - "Selecting Indicators for Strategic Performance Management", co-authored by Charlotte Kelly (ITS) and Dr Carolyn Snell (SEI-Y), has won the Charley V Wootan Award for best paper in the area of transportation policy and organization. The paper reports work done on how to monitor transport plans as part of Project C of the DISTILLATE programme. The award is given by the US Transportation Research Board (TRB) and will be presented at an awards ceremony in Washington DC during the TRB 86th Annual Meeting in January. 06/04/06 The DISTILLATE website has been refurbished and relaunched. It should now have far more useful information about the programme, be easier to understand and more attractive to use as well. Any comments, please feed them back to Matthew Page (Programme Manager). |